Holistic Integrative Therapy can be described as the integration of the psychological and the spiritual and is a supplementation of the two fields. Holistic Therapy is a range of therapeutic systems which embrace the spiritual dimension of the human being as fundamental to psychological health and human development. A holistic approach refers to the mind, the psyche and the spirit, so it includes both the personal and the metaphysical.
Different than traditional psychotherapy, the holistic approach does not have an emphasis on treating diagnoses. There is a recognition that symptoms of depression, anxiety and other diagnoses include chemical imbalances and psychological elements. However, holistic healing and counseling also factors in the spiritual experiences of the person experiencing the symptoms.
Holistic healing looks at difficulties, symptoms, or negative life events as a journey and opportunity for growth, healing, and transformation, rather than treating them as things to be eliminated, suppressed, or moved past as quickly as possible.
The holistic approach includes uniting the mind and heart; discovering one’s spiritual calling; searching for meaning; and getting in touch with one’s true nature. Holistic therapy utilizes both psychological and spiritual methods (such as meditation, yoga, dream-work, breathwork, shadow work, guided imagery etc.) in a holistic, integrated approach to healing.
Join Charonda as she utilizes her spiritual gifts to facilitate sessions that are intuitively led, non-prescriptive, and take into account that we are not human beings having a spiritual experience…but instead…spiritual beings having a human experience.
At this time, we see all of our clients virtually
To make sure you are a good fit with your clinician, a phone consultation is required that can take up to 15 minutes.
Afterwards, the remaining necessary information needed will be collected electronically.
Select an available time to schedule your sessions. Our work together can then begin.
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